Valley Bible Church financially and prayerfully supports the following missionaries in their service for the Lord as they share the Gospel and provide other ministry needs.
Hope & Mercy Missions
Hope and Mercy Mission (USA) is a ministry to the people of rural Uganda. They conduct a variety of ministries through Ugandan nationals and volunteers in the United States. Paul Mwesigwa and his family founded the Blessed Family Child Center in Uganda in 2007. Emmanuel Bible Baptist Church in Plymouth, Maine oversees the ministry of Hope and Mercy Mission. Some of the ministries they oversee in Uganda are:
- Short term ministry teams
- Secondary School Sponsorship Program
- Pastors Alliance to support local churches
- Sunrise Primary School
- Bible distribution
- Faith Bible School
- Medical clinics
- Construction
- Wells
- Children/Youth Ministries
- Water Project
- Amy’s Studio
- Evangelical efforts (children’s ministries, Jesus film, home visits, etc.)
To find out more about Hope & Mercy Missions check out their website.

Pastor Bob Emrich
U.S.A. Director
Paul & Lydia Mwesigwa
Ugandan Directors

Isaiah 61 International
Rev. Byron Gudino & Family
Rev. Byron Gudino and his family are involved in church building projects in Ecuador. Also, they build up potential church leaders, as well as help their ministries occupy a physical space of their own Furthermore, there is a Social Outreach Program that distributes food in Quito, Ecuador. In the U.S.A. Rev. Byron Gudino is also a Trainer & Coach for Missions and Bible Teaching. To find out more about the minstries that Isaiah 61 provides to Ecuador check out their website.
European Christian Missions – Poland
Lila Groth
Lila has served for 30 years in Christian ministry in Skomielna Biala, Poland. Lila’s main ministry is working with children in a Christian School, where she teaches Bible lessons to K-8th grade students. She is also involved in Child Evangelism Fellowship (CEF), where she trains teachers, creates teaching materials, and serves as a member of the Child Evangelism Fellowship National Committee in Poland. During the summer, Lila most often ministers in children’s camps. Lila’s vision is to see Polish people in this area of Poland transformed by the gospel. She believes that the best way to see this accomplished is by planting and growing, spiritually healthy churches that will then reach out to others. To find out more about Lila’s work for the Lord in Poland, please visit her website.