Weekly Bible Studies
Join other men on a journey to discover what God has to say about the struggles and challenges that we face in life. Learn life-transforming Biblical principles that apply to us as men, husbands, fathers, and friends. Bible studies emphasize caring relationships centered on learning to live God’s truth. We are currently going through the book “Dailed In” by John Ramos. The mission of the Men’s Ministry is to encourage all men at Valley Bible Church to engage in serving God in a manner that will glorify God, promote fellowship with Christian men, and further develop the faith and understanding of each man.
The men meet Saturdays at 9:00 AM at Pastor Frank’s home. Call Pastor Frank for details, 253-230-5646.
Men’s Ministries & Events
Periodically planned Events, and Outings. Also, opportunities to serve in the community and church family. Opportunities may include serving our Pacific community or members in need in the church family.
Check this page periodically for details on upcoming events!