Children/Youth Ministries
We offer Christian educational opportunities for children of all ages. We want children to learn Jesus loves them, God’s Word is true, and the church is a happy place. Our goal is to teach God’s Word in a meaningful and creative way. Please see our Picture Galleries with some of the programs and ministries.

Sunday School: Children Desiring God
Sunday School is coming soon for ages 1st – 5th grade. Our goal is that children learn to hope in God by getting to know Him. We aim to impart to children a vision of God, who He is, and who we are in relationship to Him, and establish them with a foundation of doctrine and truth. We want them biblically grounded, seeing God as the hero in every story, with a God-centered worldview and a faith that will hold them when days of testing come. We want them to love the Lord their God with all their hearts and delight in Him forever.
Toddler – 1st Grade
VBC offers a Toddler through 1st Grade class. We will start “Flannel Graph Stories” through the Bible during church. This age group goes through the Bible like the older kids but with an age-appropriate curriculum. The program also allows the younger children of VBC to receive Bible teaching, crafts, and games during the worship service. It will enable their parents to hear the preaching of God’s Word without distractions from young ones struggling to sit through the entire service.

Kid’s Connection Children Church
We are starting a new curriculum, “Fruit of the Spirit” We will gradually go through each fruit of the Spirit mentioned in Galatians 5:22-23 and how they apply that to their life. Children’s Church is for ages 2nd through 6th grade. This program allows the children of VBC to receive Bible teaching with games and crafts during the worship service. On the first Sunday of the month, which is our Communion Sunday, there will be no class for this age group, it is a family worship day.
Child Evangelism Fellowship
Good News Club
Coming Soon there will be a weekly Good News Club for ages Kindergarten through 5th Grade, “Meet the King.” The club will meet on Wednesdays from 4:15 pm to 5:45 pm. The club is every Wednesday evening through the school year and breaks during the Summer months. The Good News Club is a Child Evangelism Fellowship Ministry. The club teaches them about Jesus and how they can have a relationship with Him and includes fun games, crafts, and treats. Also, if you’re in the Auburn School District be looking for a flyer from your school through Peach Jar; when school starts. Registration is required by a parent or guardian; please click on this registration form link to sign your child/children up for the club. Looking forward to seeing you there. (Note: If you have any problems using our online registration please feel free to contact us at 253-604-9650).

Kingdom Youth Club
Coming in the Future, the Kingdom Youth Club will have a Bible Lesson, Games, Snacks, Activities, and Special Events. We will have the club twice a month on the 2nd & 4th Sunday of each month, from 6:00 to 7:30 p.m. in the East Room at the Pacific Community Center. Our youth club is for students in Middle School and High School. Young people need a safe place to come and learn about God our Creator in fellowship with their peers. Youth need to grow in their knowledge of Christ and develop a personal relationship with Him to learn how to live as a Christian in this day & age and to be able to share their faith with non-believers. Also, to learn where God wants them to serve Him in their community and beyond! That is a primary goal for our Youth Group here at Valley Bible Church. Parent or guardian permission is required please register here. (Note: If you have any problems using our online registration please feel free to contact us at 253-604-9650.)
We had an amazing Vacation Bible School and are looking forward to 2025 VBS. Here is a little bit about our Vacation Bible School program; Vacation Bible School is accessible to all children going into K thru 6th grade, free of cost! We have a new Bible theme with stories, crafts, games, and puppets every year. Teachers, helpers, and behind-the-scenes workers dress up and tents decorated for that theme; check out our picture galleries from previous years. We also have boys against girl contests, a penny drive that helps fund a featured missionary, and a food drive for the City of Pacific Food Bank. The icing on the cake or I should say pie, is the winning team gets to put a pie in the face of someone on the losing team, the kids love it! At the end of the week, there is a picnic for all. We love to meet the parents or guardians of the children that we have spent time with all week. Hope to See You There! Registration is required by a parent or guardian. Registration also allows us to plan for how many children will be attending. register here (Note: In case you have any issues registering online, please contact the church office to register at 253-604-9650.)

Children/Youth Ministries Gallery
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